Welcome to the Future of Nursing Care!

We are a developer, manufacturer and operator of digital AI-driven systems and solutions for the elderly and nursing care, healthcare and real estate sectors, covering the entire spectrum: from market-leading AAL systems and home emergency call / nurse call solutions to fully digital nurse call systems for care homes, residential homes and hospitals

Our digital assistance system is a groundbreaking and cost-saving solution in elderly care.
Not only can it recognise critical and emergency situations in real-time, but also enables trend analysis through machine learning.

As a result, it ensures a safe and comfortable life in old age and significantly reduces the amount and costs of care required.

Why we exist

"Innovation in care - for a better future in silver age"


We firmly believe that digital technologies create groundbreaking developments, especially in the care sector.
The lives of care recipients, relatives and caregivers can be greatly simplified through monitoring, social networking, home automation, medication management and much more.

With Divital, this – long-needed – relief is realised in combination with compliance with all care standards as well as digitalisation and debureaucratisation of care processes.


Our Mission:
  • Reduction of healthcare costs
  • Assurance of care standards
  • Safety improvements
  • Quality of life improvement for those in need of care
  • Relieve the burden on caregivers
Our approach starts directly with the customer in the field of care services, care facilities, home care and assisted living.
We begin with understanding the needs of end users and caregivers and then work it backwards to technology solutions and not the other way around! This is how we shape the future of the care sector.

Market Situation

The most important facts at a glance

Analysis of the current situation

The biggest issue in the care market is the shortage of skilled workers and the overload of exisiting care stuff. This is aglobal problem which leads to a deterioration in the quality of care. Financial challenges and ensuring quality and safety are also widespread problems.

According to the current figures of the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the number of people in need of care in Germany will increase by 37% by 2055 due to the population ageing alone. According to the results of the Federal Statistical Office’s long-term care projection, their number will rise from about 5 million at the end of 2021 to about 6.8 million in 2055. This will reach about 5.6 million (+14%) as early as 2035.

According to Statista, the unmet demand for inpatient and outpatient care workers in Germany will be around one million by 2035. The number of people in need of care will increase continuously (at least) until 2055, while at the same time the number of skilled nursing staff will decrease continuously until (at least) 2035.

At the same time, the market is growing steadily – strongly supported by demographic change and the increasing demand for care services. this is shown by the study of the US market research institute Market Research Future (author: Shubham Munde).

According to the research, the estimated AAL market for 2022 was around US$ 6.3. billion and for 2023 is around US$ 7.8 billion. the authors assume an average annual growth rate of 25.5% until 2030, so that a global amrket volume of around US$ 60.5 bilion will be reached in 2032.

Our Solutions

1. Divital Ambient Assisted Living (AAL-System)

Divital’s AI-driven assistance system is a ground-breaking and cost-saving solution in care and assisted living.  

It not only recognises critical and emergency situations in real time, but also enables trend analyses and early diagnosis through machine learning. 

This a) ensures a safe and comfortable life in old age and b) significantly reduces care costs. 

Competencies & Product Highlights

DIVITAL is that simple

  • We customise our system to meet the needs of each person with supported needs.
  • Our experts install the system in your premises and train the care stuff, end users and relatives.
  • The Divital AAL system monitors residents and trigger alarms if an emergency has been registered – false alarms are minimised thanks to the state-of-art-technology.
  • Our AI adapts to the daily routine and recognises behaviour patters – taking into account detected events and recognised trends.You don’t have to worry about the system management, as it is entirely handled by us.

Your benefits

2. Divital Emergency & Nurse Call Systems

We are a certified provider of Emergency Call services (Hausnotruf) according to §78 SGB XI.

Our devices are listed in the Nursing care aids register and can be easily installed in private households as well as in full- or partial inpatient facilities, incl. various assisted living forms.

Our Divital Nurse Call System corresponds to the DIN VDE 8034 and DIN EN 50134 norm.
All devices are also compatible with our AAL-Solution and can be transformed in a full-blown AAL-System by complementing them with additional smart sensors.
  • Acoustic and visual signaling in an emergency.
  • Automatic bi-directional voice connection via the Control Panel
  • Secure signal transfer via redundant channels: mobile network, Ethernet / SIP, Wi-Fi.
  • Multilanguage Voice announcements and voice instructions for the personnel in an emergency
  • Acknowledgement of the alarms and event logging
  • Remote management and support

Your benefits:
  • Minimization of false alarms and empty tours thanks to the voice verification of an emergency
  • Proof of service for care and health insurance funds, allowing to justify the increase of a patient’s care degree.
  • Fulfills the requirements to Emergency Call Systems according to §78 SGB XI and to Nursing Call Systems according to DIN VDE 8034 and DIN EN 50134
  • Suitable for every type of living: own apartment / own house, full- or partial inpatient facilities, assisted living and residential groups.
  • Beyond Emergency Call: simple upgrade to a full-blown AAL-System on demand.

3. Divital Silent Alarm Systems & PBX

We have developed an integrated, fully digital and cost-saving solution for silent alarms and telecommunications in nursing, elderly care and healthcare that meets all legal requirements and acts as a uniform basis for other digital systems, e.g. nurse call, home emergency call, AAL, etc. The solution connects to existing fire alarm systems via RS232/ESPA interface and consists of the following basic components:

  • Alarm server
  • SIP-Server
  • DECT base station and repeaters
  • DECT and SIP-phones and handsets for staff and patient


  • Compatible with all industry-standard fire alarm systems (among others from Siemens, Bosch, Esser and so on) via standardized ESPA interface
  • Silent alarm in accordance with guidelines and norms for construction and operation of facilities with nursing and care services.
  • Indication of the specific zone (i.e. a room and a floor) in which a fire has been detected.
  • Termination of all ongoing calls in case of fire
  • Fully digital secure and redundant on-premises SIP-based PBX-system that fulfills all the requirements to a signal transfer according to generally recognized rules of technology.
  • Unlimited flexibility of a digital telephone system:
    • support for multiple profiles and lines on one device, call forwarding and transfer, conferencing with multiple devices, support for traditional and digital fax devices, etc.
    • Large selection of affordable end devices.
    • Remote management, configuration and support
    • Can be integrated with home emergency call, nurse call and AAL technology

Your Benefits 

  • Unbeatable value for money thanks to the new technology: more flexible, more efficient, and cheaper than traditional solutions
  • Fully digital, future-proof solution that is also ready for future digital applications in your facility.
  • Compatible with any BMZ
  • Can be installed in an existing building or in a new building 


What makes us unique?
Innovation that allows you to be yourself.

Comprehensive problem solving
Our approach goes far beyond addressing individual problems We are committed to meeting all standards and preventive measures in nursing care, whether dealing with falls, incontinence, contractures, pressure sores, respiratory distress, heart problems and much more.
From Caregivers, for Caregivers 
We develop our solutions in close collaboration with key stakeholders in the elderly and nursing care sector, tailored to their specific needs, rather than adopting technologies from other industries with minimal adaptions.
Our proprietary sensor technology leverages new physical principles to detect events and trends that previously went unnoticed. This represents a quantum leap in care monitoring.
Holistic solution
Our solution offers a complete integrated IoT system for care, including hardware, platform, apps and seamless integration with existing care systems. In this way, we ensure smooth collaboration and offer all the necessary services from a single source.
Full-Service Package
We take care of the entire process, from planning and installation to maintenance, allowing you to focus entirely on caregiving.

Founding Team

Unfair Advantages

From Caregivers, for Caregivers
With Humanika as a co-founder, we not only possess the deepest expertise in the healthcare industry but also benefit from direct access to more than 50 healthcare facilities where we are already testing our solutions, training AI models, and adjusting them based on patient and staff feedback.
Ability to execute
We started operations in October 2023, and managed to achieve following reaults by July 2024:
  • Approx. 100 end customers B2C
  • Approx. 10 care facilities equipped with our AAL system (Gen. 1)
  • Our pipeline includes 15+ projects with a total capacity of over 350 care beds
  • 2024 Forecasted revenue: 360-400 kEU
Dream Team
A founding team with a unique mix of expertise that promotes synergies:
  • Nursing & Healthcare
  • NN/ML/KI
  • IoT, security technology & smart home
  • Foundation, operations, sales, management, leadership

Investor Benefits

Digital Vital Innovation GmbH is eligible for the investor support program of German government!

Investor Advantages:

With the acquisition grant, business angels receive a tax-free refund of 25 per cent of their investment if they invest at least €10,000 in venture capital in start-ups.
Taxes on profits from the investments can also be reimbursed in a lump sum with the exit grant.




Digital Vital Innovation GmbH


Zollhof 30
40221 Düsseldorf


Research & Development Center:

Hubertusallee 37
14193 Berlin


Telephon: +49 231 58687899
E-Mail:     info[ ]divital.care

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